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The concern with the environmental issue led Impacta to implement a formal environmental responsibility management system.

The system consists of a policy, an environmental manual, goals, annual objectives and five programs that involve the entire plant:

– Management of the use of energy sources;
– Pollution monitoring and control management;
– Water resources management;
– Industrial waste management;
– Management of the use of materials.

The system was planned according to Impacta’s needs, aiming to produce practical and immediate results. Complete and structured, the system has all the requirements to guarantee the company’s success in preserving the environment.

The company has been strengthening these environmental practices through internal campaigns, such as: lectures, promotions, theater, etc.

For employees to act directly in the Environmental Responsibility System, there are the “Eu Faço a Diferença”, “Linha Direta” and “Informativo EcoBoy” programs, which aim to create communication between employees and the company, as well as engage everyone in the constant improvement of the system.

To ensure the smooth running of the system, we carry out internal environmental audits, with the support of qualified auditors, whose aim is to suggest improvements, point out non-conformities and monitor the evolution of the system.